In this modern world, every woman wants to feel confident about her appearance.
One of the most femine attributes of the woman, is her breast..
Countless women, who are not happy with the size, shape or position of their breasts opt for a Breast Augmentation procedure.
Silicone and Saline are two of the most common implants available for a breast enhancement. It is important to understand the difference between Silicone and Saline implants. I hope this article will help you to choose between one or the other.
Difference Between Saline And Silicone Breast Implants
- Silicone implants are pre-filled with a gel which is similar to in feel to human fat. Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water, similar to what our bodies are comprised of. When a saline implant ruptures, the implant will deflate which affects the shape and size of the breast. The leaked saline will be absorbed by the body and does not represent a health risk.
If today’s modern silicone implants were to rupture, the leak is contained because of the consistency of the new silicone. If a deflation is suspected in a silicone implant, it can be confirmed with an MRI. In either case, a breast implant exchange is recommended. The two largest manufacturers of breast implants, Allergan and Mentor, provide a lifetime product replacement warranty on deflated implants. They also provide a monetary compensation if they were to rupture in the first ten years following the surgery date.
- Depending on the patients unique requirements, several shapes and projections are available in both saline and silicone implants.
- Saline breast implants are composed of an outer silicone shell and a filling of liquid saline solution. Because the saline solution can be added after the implant shells have been placed in the chest wall, the incisions needed to place saline implants smaller than silicone implants.
- Both silicone and saline implants can give you a natural look, particularly if the implants are placed under the chest muscles, however, silicone breast implants have a reputation for providing a more natural feel. Patients who are very thin or have little natural breast tissue to cover their implants are often good candidates for silicone gel implants because the implants are softer and less prone to rippling, allowing for a more natural look and feel.
- From a scientific standpoint, the safety of silicone implants and saline implants is identical. In most cases, the only difference between the availability to patients, is that patients must be 22 to have silicone implants, whereas they can be as young as 18 to have saline implants.
- Breast implant manufacturers charge about $1,000 more for silicone breast implants than saline breast implants, so breast augmentation with silicone implants is slightly more expensive.
Saline Or Silicone- How To Choose?
The most important step is to consult with your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. We recommend that the plastic surgeon be a current member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS).

Every patient represents a unique challenge to obtain the optimal results in a breast enhancement procedure. Dr. Jose Perez-Gurri has been performing cosmetic breast surgeries for over 25 years. Some of the determining factors he takes into consideration in recommending silicone and saline implants include:
- Skin coverage and skin elasticity
- Evaluation of the amount of natural breast tissue
- Development of the chest muscle
- Position of the nipple/ areola
- Various other features unique to the patient’s breast
Consulting with a Board Plastic Surgeon, such as Dr. Jose Perez- Gurri at Imagos Institute of Plastic Surgery, will lead to the best possible surgical outcome.