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Do I Need a Breast Lift, Augmentation, or Both?

If you have been contemplating having a cosmetic breast surgery, there is a good chance that you’ve been asking yourself whether you need a breast augmentation, a breast lift, or a combination of both. A woman’s figure goes through multiple changes throughout her lifetime, especially during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and any kind of significant weight loss. Breasts start to lose their youthful perkiness and even start to sag on the chest. These issues do not only affect women with large chests. Even small-chested women can experience deflated breasts or the dreaded downward droop.

So, how do you determine if the aesthetic you’re looking for can be accomplished with a breast augmentation, breast lift, or both? There are various factors that should be considered when making this decision. Read on to learn more about which procedure will help you reach your goals.

Nipple Position

If you stand in front of the mirror and notice that your nipples are pointing at the ground or sit below your breast crease, you may want to consider a breast lift. Sagging tissue or loss of volume can cause the nipple to change positions, stretch, or become larger. When the breasts lose their volume and become heavier, the nipples have a tendency to sag as well. While raising breast tissue, a breast lift will reposition the nipple and areola to a more youthful and proportionate position.


Breast volume refers to how round or full your breasts look. Weight loss can leave the breasts looking flat or too small in proportion with the rest of the body. Additionally, age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can all cause the breasts to become larger and then deflate. In this situation, a breast implant can be used to restore volume to the chest and improve the overall shape of your breasts. A breast lift may also be necessary to improve lax tissue and reposition nipples.

Breast Size

There are many reasons that women are unhappy with the size of their breasts. You may have always wanted larger breasts or to correct the appearance of asymmetrical breasts. During your consultation at Imagos Plastic Surgery, your plastic surgeon will explain all your implant options. You will also have a chance to “try on” implant sizes through a virtual program, which will give you a better idea of how you look after your procedure.

When to Combine a Breast Augmentation with a Breast Lift?

A breast augmentation and a breast lift can be performed alone or in combination with each other for total rejuvenation of the breasts. Combining procedures can save you both time and money on recovery and anesthesia costs. However, choosing to have a breast lift later in life shouldn’t cause any problems. When considering combining these procedures, you should ask yourself if you’re unhappy with both the size and position of your breasts. A breast augmentation can restore volume to your breasts, but it cannot fix where your breast sits on your chest. A breast lift, on the other hand, cannot change the volume or size of your breasts, but will correct sagging, drooping breast tissue.

It Starts with a Breast Augmentation Consultation at Imagos Plastic Surgery

Begin your aesthetic journey with a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Jose Perez-Gurri or Dr. Onelio Garcia Jr. During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your main concerns surrounding the appearance of your breasts and the goals you’d like to achieve. This conversation will allow your surgeon to help you make the best decision for you. To schedule your appointment, call our office at (305) 692-0163 or contact us through our website today.